Showing 251 - 275 of 440 Results
Law-Dictionary : Explaining the Rise, Progress, and Present State, of the English Law: Defin... by Jacob, Giles, Sir Thomas Ed... ISBN: 9781347798423 List Price: $30.95
Game-Law, or, a Collection of the Common and Statute Laws in Force and Use for Preservation ... by Britain, Great, Jacob, Giles ISBN: 9781347971581 List Price: $26.95
Pleas of the Crown : In Two Parts: or, a Methodical Summary of the Principal Matters Relatin... by Hale, Sir Matthew, Jacob, G... ISBN: 9781346003870 List Price: $30.95
Complete Court-Keeper : Or: Land-Steward's Assistant by Jacob, Giles ISBN: 9781346053240 List Price: $30.95
Law-Dictionary : Explaining the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the English Law: Defini... by Jacob, Giles, Sir Thomas Ed... ISBN: 9781345307672 List Price: $31.95
Law-Dictionary : Explaining the Rise, Progress, and Present State of the English Law: Defini... by Jacob, Giles, Sir Thomas Ed... ISBN: 9781346104119 List Price: $30.95
Law-Dictionary : Explaining the Rise, Progress, and Present State, of the English Law: Defin... by Jacob, Giles, Sir Thomas Ed... ISBN: 9781347798430 List Price: $30.95
Paul The Parish Clerk And Jacob Giles On Church And State 'and All That' by Z, M. A., Fict Name ), Paul... ISBN: 9781343163836 List Price: $21.95
Lex Constitutionis : Or, the Gentleman's Law by Jacob, Giles ISBN: 9780598417893 List Price: $119.70
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